eScience Labs: Physics Labs

The eScience Labs lab kit, created specifically for college-level Physics, includes models, specimens, safety equipment, and more. This kit, combined with Odigia’s Teaching and Learning Tools, is everything you need to engage, collaborate, track, and assess your students.

 This course includes:

 Digital Learning and Teaching Tools

 Quality Lab Kits

Customizable Assessments 

 The Benefits of eScience Labs + Odigia


Make It Yours

Customize the lab kit and assessments to fit the needs of your course and match your desired learning outcomes. 



No-Hassle Delivery

Kits are delivered directly to your students at the time and price you need, giving your students a successful lab experience wherever they are.



Prepare Students

Go beyond the traditional with digital learning and teaching tools that help prepare students for success in today’s workplace.



Boost Engagement

Create an immersive, engaging, and affordable distance learning experience. Can connect to your LMS or run independently.


eScience Labs: Physics Labs

Lab Kits Available in Odigia:

Introduction to Science

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Data Interpretation
  • Exercise 2: Testable Observations
  • Exercise 3: Conversion
  • Exercise 4: Accuracy and Precision
  • Exercise 5: Significant Digits and Scientific Notation
  • Exercise 6: Percent Error
  • Exercise 7: Experimental Variables

General Lab Safety

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: What is it?

Measurements and Uncertainty

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Rulers vs. Calipers
  • Experiment 2: The Spring Force Scale
  • Experiment 3: The Stopwatch
  • Experiment 4: Density of the Mass Set

1-D Kinematics

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Distance of Free Fall

2-D Kinematics and Projectile Motion

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Distance Traveled by a Projectile
  • Experiment 2: Squeeze Rocket™ Projectiles

Newton’s Laws

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Newton’s First Law of Motion
  • Experiment 2: Newton’s Third Law and Force Pairs
  • Experiment 3: Newton’s Second Law and the Atwood Machine


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Static Friction and Mass on an Inclined Plane
  • Experiment 2: Static Friction vs. Kinetic Friction

Circular Motion

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Balancing Centripetal Force


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Falling in a Gravitational Field
  • Experiment 2: Inverse Square Law

Conservation of Energy

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Work Done by a Spring
  • Experiment 2: Conservation of Energy
  • Experiment 3: Conservation of Energy- Data Analysis

Conservation of Momentum

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Conservation of Momentum
  • Experiment 2: Egg Drop

Torque and Static Equilibrium

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Open Door Torque
  • Experiment 2: Rotating Ruler
  • Experiment 3: Torque and Static Levers

Center of Mass

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Stability
  • Experiment 2: Irregular Shapes
  • Experiment 3: Center of Mass of a Hanging Mass System

Buoyant Force and Archimedes Principle

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Effects of Density
  • Experiment 2: Buoyant Force and Floating
  • Experiment 3: Buoyant Force and Archimedes Principle

Simple Harmonic Motion

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Oscillating Spring

Properties of Waves

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Waves
  • Experiment 2: Wave Speed of Microwaves
  • Experiment 3: The Doppler Effect

Ideal Gas Law

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Charles’ Law
  • Experiment 2: Boyle’s Law

Latent Heat and Specific Heat

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Latent Heat
  • Experiment 2: Conservation of Heat Energy
  • Experiment 3: Specific Heat

First Law of Thermodynamics

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Experiment 2: Shaken Sand System

Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Heat Flow
  • Experiment 2: Probability of States

Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Exploring Charge with Scotch® Tape
  • Experiment 2: Static Materials
  • Experiment 3: Charging by Contact and Induction

Electric Field and Potential

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Mapping Electric Potentials

Gauss’s Law

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Flux
  • Experiment 2: Faraday’s Ice Pail


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Capacitors in Series and Parallel

Resistivity and Ohm’s Law

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Ohm’s Law
  • Experiment 2: Resistance of Play-Doh®

Kirchhoff’s Laws

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Resistors in Series and Parallel
  • Experiment 2: Resistors in Series and Parallel 2
  • Experiment 3: Kirchhoff’s Laws

Magnetic Forces and Fields

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Magnet Behavior
  • Experiment 2: Magnetic Field Lines

Faraday’s Law

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Faraday’s Law
  • Experiment 2: Building a Simple Electric Motor

Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Law of Reflection
  • Experiment 2: Snell’s Law


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Young’s Double Slit Experiment
  • Experiment 2: Single Slit Diffraction

Geometric Optics, Ray Tracing and Image Formation

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Plane Mirrors
  • Experiment 2: Exploring Mirrors
  • Experiment 3: Drawing Ray Diagrams
  • Experiment 4: Exploring Lenses

 These labs have been combined with our comprehensive Physics content to create a complete digital learning experience for your students.

Science Interactive Group provides comprehensive, standard-aligned content and educational products, services, and software. Our vast assortment of innovative STEM-oriented products is designed to provide instructors with interactive, real-world applications that engage students and enhance outcomes. 

Odigia provides digital learning and teaching tools that enhance the way students and instructors access, modify, and engage with content, collaborate with each other during the course, track progress and understanding of content, and ultimately apply knowledge.

 Interested in learning more about eScience Labs + Odigia?