Business Ethics

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Business Ethics Course Outline

Why do Ethics Matter?

Concepts Covered:

  • What does it mean to be a professional of integrity?
  • What is the relationship among ethical behavior, goodwill, and profit?
  • Does having a single ethical standard makes behaving consistently easier?

What sets the minimal standards by which society lives out those ethical norms?

Concepts Covered:

  • What was the role of ethics in ancient Athens?
  • How do Confucian virtue ethics apply to contemporary business?
  • How do the goals of virtue ethics in the East and the West compare?
  • What is the role of utilitarianism in contemporary business?
  • How do utilitarianism and deontology differ?
  • How does justice theory apply in a business context?

What role do stakeholders play in decisions about ethical behavior?

Concepts Covered:

  • Why must the welfare of stakeholders’ be at the heart of ethical business decisions?
  • Why do stakeholders’ claims vary in importance?
  • How does one prioritize stakeholder claims?
  • Why does CSR ultimately benefits both companies and their stakeholders?

What are the three Special Stakeholders?

Concepts Covered:

  • How are investors and owners benefiting from doing business as a corporate entities?
  • What is the concept of earth jurisprudence?
  • What is meant by “revolving door” in a political context?

Are there underlying values that transcend time and place?

Concepts Covered:

  • How do consumerism and the global marketplace challenge the belief system of an organization?
  • What major shifts in technology and ethical thinking have occurred over the last five hundred years?
  • How does religion inform ethical business practice around the world?
  • Are the Values Central to Business Ethics Universal?

What do Employers Owe Employees?

Concepts Covered:

  • How have employees’ expectations of work changed?
  • What Constitutes a Fair Wage?
  • What is codetermination?
  • What constitutes as a reasonable right to privacy on the job?

What do Employees Owe Employers?

Concepts Covered:

  • How does confidentiality apply to trade secrets?
  • How do employees help build and sustain a brand?
  • What are the different types of workplace violence?
  • What is insider trading?
  • What rules and laws govern employees’ criticism of the employer?

How can one ensure a workplace that values inclusion and diversity?

Concepts Covered:

  • What are the benefits of employee diversity in the workplace?
  • How can an employer accommodate different Abilities and Faiths?
  • What ethical issues are raised in the workplace by differences in sexual identification and orientation?
  • What are Income Inequalities?
  • What are the financial implications of animal ethics for business?

Should quality health care be a right for all rather than a privilege for the few?

Concepts Covered:

  • What is the role of the founder in instilling an ethical culture?
  • How does social media alter the advertising landscape?
  • Why does the government offer certain kinds of insurance?
  • What ethical problems are related to the availability and cost of health care?

How can employers prepare employees for the impact of robots at work?

Concepts Covered:

  • What are the benefits of permitting employees to work from home?
  • What are the benefits and potential drawbacks of workplace campuses?
  • What is the ethical challenge that businesses face in the gig economy?
  • What is the application of robotics in the workplace?

Why do Ethics Still Matter?

Concepts Covered:

  • How do Business Ethics evolve in an Evolving Environment?
  • Why is it important to commit to an Ethical View?
  • How can you becoming an Ethical Professional?
  • On what will you base your professional identity?

About the book

Business Ethics

Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.

About the authors:

Senior Contributing Authors

Stephen M. Byars, USC Marshall School of Business
Kurt Stanberry, University of Houston–Downtown

Contributing Authors

Barbara Boerner, Brevard College
Robert Brancatelli, Fordham University
Wade Chumney, California State University, Northridge
Laura Dendinger, Wayne State College
Bill Nantz, Houston Community College
Mark Poepsel, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
David Shapiro, Pennsylvania State University

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