eScience Labs: Chemistry Labs

The eScience Labs lab kit, created specifically for college-level Chemistry, includes models, specimens, safety equipment, and more. This kit, combined with Odigia’s Teaching and Learning Tools, is everything you need to engage, collaborate, track, and assess your students.

 This course includes:

 Digital Learning and Teaching Tools

 Quality Lab Kits

Customizable Assessments 

 The Benefits of eScience Labs + Odigia


Make It Yours

Customize the lab kit and assessments to fit the needs of your course and match your desired learning outcomes. 



No-Hassle Delivery

Kits are delivered directly to your students at the time and price you need, giving your students a successful lab experience wherever they are.



Prepare Students

Go beyond the traditional with digital learning and teaching tools that help prepare students for success in today’s workplace.



Boost Engagement

Create an immersive, engaging, and affordable distance learning experience. Can connect to your LMS or run independently.


eScience Labs: Chemistry Labs

Lab Kits Available in Odigia:

Laboratory Safety and Procedures

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Safety Contract
  • Experiment 1: Neutralization of Acids and Bases

Thinking Like a Chemist: The Scientific Method

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Using the Scientific Method
  • Exercise 1: Using the Scientific Method to Write a Lab Report

Data Analysis and Graphing

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Metric Measurements
  • Experiment 2: Density of a Gummy Bear

Types of Matter

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Classification of Matter
  • Experiment 2: Separation of a Mixture of Sand and Salt

Exploring Solubility

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Kool-Aid® Molarity
  • Experiment 2: Slime Time

Examination of Physical and Chemical Properties

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Density of a Substance
  • Experiment 2: Solubility and Reactivity

Measuring Heats of Reactions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Determination of Specific Heat of a Metal
  • Experiment 2: Determining the Energy in Food

Distinguishing Between Endothermic & Exothermic Reactions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Conservation of Heat Energy
  • Experiment 2: Cold Pack vs. Hand-Warmers
  • Experiment 3: Chemistry of Ice Cream

Electron Configuration

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: The Chemistry of Fireworks

Electromagnetic Radiation

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Measuring the Wavelength of a Laser

Molecular Geometry: The VSEPR Model

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Molecular Models of Neutral Molecules

Types of Chemical Bonds

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Building Models of Ionic and Covalent Bonds using Valence Electrons
  • Experiment 2: Correlate the Melting Points of Various Elements with their Bond Type
  • Experiment 3: Solubility Characteristics of Chemical Bonds

Molar Mass and Freezing Point Depression

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Determining Molar Mass from Freezing Point

Evaluating Precipitation Reactions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Performing a Precipitation Reaction

Types of Chemical Reactions

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Types of Chemical Reactions

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Preparation of Iron (II) Acetate and Iron (III) Acetate

Molar Mass

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Percent Sugar in Bubble Gum

Periodic Trends in Atomic Properties

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Construction of a Periodic Table

Stoichiometric Calculations: Reactants and Products

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Calculating the Yield of Calcium Carbonate

Exploring Reaction Rates

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Temperature and the Rate of Chemical Reaction

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Enzymes in Food
  • Experiment 2: Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Titration Indicators

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Getting Acquainted with Indicators

Chemical Nomenclature

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Nomenclature Practice

Compound Formulas

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Determining the Chemical Formula for Copper Gluconate

Qualitative Analysis of Ions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Qualitative Analysis of Reactions

Gas Laws

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Ideal Gas Law – Finding Percent H 2 O 2
  • Experiment 2: Charles’s Law (Part 1)
  • Experiment 3: Charles’s Law (Part 2)

Acid- Base Titrations

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Titrations with Taco Sauce

Molar Volume of Gases

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Determining Molar Volume

Determining Molar Mass and Vapor Density

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Calculating the Molar Mass of Ethanol

Nuclear Chemistry

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Estimating Half-Life

Reaction Rates

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Calculating Rate of Reaction

Equilibrium Constants

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Equilibrium Constants

Preparation of Buffer Solutions

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Preparing a Buffer
  • Experiment 2: Preparing a Buffer Solution with Borax

Standardization of a Solution

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Determining Molarity of NaOH

Separation by Chromatography

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Paper Chromatography


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Paper Chromatography of Carotenoids

Electrochemical Series

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Plating Copper Gluconate
  • Experiment 2: Waste Disposal of Copper Gluconate

Electrochemical Cells

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Electrochemical Cells

Coordination Compounds and Isomers

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Creating Isomers

Organic Chemical Nomenclature

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Nomenclature Practice
  • Exercise 2: Drawing Organic Molecules


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Solubility Testing
  • Experiment 2: Hydrocarbon Melting Points


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Modeling Chirality

Esters and Alcohols

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Synthesis of Fragrant Esters

Aspirin Analysis

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Aspirin Extraction


The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Saponification of Vegetable Oil

Antioxidant Analysis

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Iodometric Titration

The Chemistry of Life

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Testing for Biomolecules

Isoelectric Point Titration

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Isoelectric Point Titration of Proline

Protein Isolation

The experiments include:

  • Experiment 1: Casein Extraction

 These labs have been combined with our comprehensive Chemistry content to create a complete digital learning experience for your students.

Science Interactive Group provides comprehensive, standard-aligned content and educational products, services, and software. Our vast assortment of innovative STEM-oriented products is designed to provide instructors with interactive, real-world applications that engage students and enhance outcomes. 

Odigia provides digital learning and teaching tools that enhance the way students and instructors access, modify, and engage with content, collaborate with each other during the course, track progress and understanding of content, and ultimately apply knowledge.

 Interested in learning more about eScience Labs + Odigia?